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a weekend gateway with kids

visit Lisbon with kids Portugal

how to plan a weekend gateway with kids

a weekend gateway with kids - in Morocco (2024)

Our kids are getting older! They're now 4 and 7 years old. Since Copenhagen, we've traveled to Indonesia, Brazil, Serra da Estrela (in Portugal), and Sierra Nevada (in Spain). Currently, we're planning a 4-day trip to Agadir and Taghazou in Morocco. We've already purchased the tickets two months in advance and found them quite affordable at 40€ each for a round trip. The flights depart on a Saturday at 2 pm and return on Tuesday at 4 pm. We'll be traveling with only a hand luggage, which goes under the seat, not as cabin luggage. We decided to explore Morocco because it's so close to Portugal, and we thought prices might drop after Ramadan. Now we are planning how to make the most of the time we have and, therefore, book a place to sleep. 


a weekend gateway with kids - in Copenhagen (2021)

On the next 3 weeks I'll be writing this article to share with you how we plan a weekend gateway with the kids (2y and 4y old): how I organize the trip, what I prioritize first, what I consider and, in general, how the whole process works on this side :)

What happened first, what triggered the this weekend gateway? The need to travel! Usually everything is booked 2-3 months before to guarantee the best prices and promo. In that moment I sat and started to look for short distance options (up to 3h30) - that is Europe. After some researches, I got to the option of Budapest, Amsterdam and Copenhagen. I started looking for flight prices on Sky Scanner and Google Flights - my favorite because I can change days easily and see the daily prices - and I realized that flights to Budapest and Copenhagen were very low - between 40€ and 70€ per person for direct flights at good hours. For us, and for a weekend gateway, good hours means early in the morning or at the end of the day. 

After checking the prices, I started to look for the best things to do with kids to make a decision on of what city to choose - decided right away Copenhagen for two reasons: a super family-friendly city and because we have there a couple of friends of ours and would be a great opportunity to be with them. How do I look for the best things to do with kids? I check some family blogs to gather some information and ask on my social networks.

Now that I've seen the flight prices and chosen the city is time to start searching for hotels and/or local accommodations. First I saw the map of the city and try to understand all the neighborhoods of Copenhagen and its characteristics - Inner city, Vasterbro and Norrebro were the three that I’ve liked the most. I usually read about the city and it’s neighborhoods on travel blogs and with that information I access Booking and Airbnb to start the search. Finally, when I have some places chosen I go after the best prices and look in Trivago (to prices comparison) and directly on the hotel’s website. 

Flight prices - information checked
Things to do with kids - information checked
Stay - information checked

When all information was checked and "studied", I got back to the beginning and started by booking the flight first so as not to miss the low price: Lisbon/Copenhagen 7:30am, direct, one handbag each and Copenhagen/Lisbon 1:30pm, direct, one handbag each
70€ per person, 240€ total, flying with TAP. 

Now is the time to book an accommodation but it will take more 2 or 3 days. Why so long? Need to check the neighborhoods, location, facilities, number of rooms, cribs, access to public transport, etc.

What do I consider when I search for an accommodation? 

  • Booking's star rating
  • reviews on Booking
  • top picks for families suggestion on Booking
  • location vs access to public transport
  • type of rooms (familiar, king) and number of rooms
  • type of beds (individual beds/ bunk bed/ sofa bed)

I've spent the weekend seeing places to stay.. and it was a hard search - the prices were too high and I noticed that the rooms were too tiny (and we like/need space for the kids!). Finally made a decision, and I think it was a good decision. Urban House Copenhagen by MEININGER - 66.5€ per night (directly on their website with 20% discount), total 266€. On Booking the price was 381€. Yes, a difference of 115€!

And that's it!


Note: English is not my first language (Portuguese is). I apologize for any typos, grammar error or others.

Let's go baby is your trusted partner during your family holidays in Portugal. Contact our family concierge service for further information.

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