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Baby equipment rental in Lisbon, Portugal. Family concierge service in Portugal. Travel to portugal with kids. Portugal with a baby or toddler. What to do with kids in lisbon. Where to go with kids in Lisbon. Visit Lisbon with kids.
Baby equipment rental in Lisbon, Portugal. Family concierge service in Portugal. Travel to portugal with kids. Portugal with a baby or toddler. What to do with kids in lisbon. Where to go with kids in Lisbon. Visit Lisbon with kids.
Baby equipment rental in Lisbon, Portugal. Family concierge service in Portugal. Travel to portugal with kids. Portugal with a baby or toddler. What to do with kids in lisbon. Where to go with kids in Lisbon. Visit Lisbon with kids.
Baby equipment rental in Lisbon, Portugal. Family concierge service in Portugal. Travel to portugal with kids. Portugal with a baby or toddler. What to do with kids in lisbon. Where to go with kids in Lisbon. Visit Lisbon with kids.
Baby equipment rental in Lisbon, Portugal. Family concierge service in Portugal. Travel to portugal with kids. Portugal with a baby or toddler. What to do with kids in lisbon. Where to go with kids in Lisbon. Visit Lisbon with kids.
Baby equipment rental in Lisbon, Portugal. Family concierge service in Portugal. Travel to portugal with kids. Portugal with a baby or toddler. What to do with kids in lisbon. Where to go with kids in Lisbon. Visit Lisbon with kids.

Chicco Ohlala' stroller || carrinho de passeio Chicco Ohlala'

Regular price || Preço normal €9,00 Sale || Promoção


Check our latest blog article about stroller rental in Lisbon here.

This stroller is super light and practical to walk on straight pavements (no paving stone) and also for napping as it fully reclines. When closed, it easily fits into any luggage compartment. || Este carro de passeio é leve e prático para andar em pavimentos planos e sem pedras de calçada e também é ideal para as sestas. Quando fechado, cabe facilmente em qualquer porta-bagagens.

  • ultralight: only 3.8 kg (8 lb) || ultraleve: apenas 3,8 kg
  • equipped with a single handle, easy to drive || equipado com uma pega única, fácil de conduzir
  • adjustable backrest || encosto de costas regulável
  • near-flat recline || reclinação quase total
  • adjustable leg rest || apoio de pernas ajustável
  • stands alone || apoia-se sozinho
  • includes stroller's own rain cover || inclui capa de chuva própria do carrinho

From 0 to 15 kg (33 lbs). || Dos 0 aos 15 kg.